Dorothy Gliksman

Women’s Health & Fitness Physiotherapist

Dorothy Gliksman Physiotherapist Optimum Health & Performance Terrigal North Wyong

Dorothy's Profile

Women’s Health & Fitness Physiotherapist

Dorothy has been working in the Women’s Health field for many years. She began when pregnant and attending a gym class, where she realised that none of the instructors had any experience in fitness in pregnancy and were not aware of how to modify their exercises. She decided that once she gave birth, she would begin a gym of her own solely catering to pregnant women. She did and this practise was highly successful, seeing grateful women return with their second and even third pregnancies. Women loved coming to exercise there as they knew the classes were designed for them and were safe and effective. After some years, Dorothy then went on the start these classes in the King George V Hospital for mothers and babies.
Since her move from Sydney to the Central Coast 20 years ago, she has remained in the field, holding Pilates classes in Yarramalong then joining Optimum Health and Performance where she is their women’s health physiotherapist.

Areas of Interest:

  • Pregnancy related issues, whether physical or emotional.
  • Advising women on how to understand and manage their issues, being weight or pain related.

She is the author of “The Pregnant Body”.